Suppliers wanting to work for ERA

Suppliers wanting to work with ERA

A great opportunity to work with hundreds of clients

ERA’s specialist teams of procurement consultants work with a wide range of suppliers in all the areas that organisations buy in goods and services not for re-sale. We build sustainable long-term relationships that work for the client and supplier.


We recognise that for any supplier-client relationship to function effectively, both parties must be able to fulfil their business objectives.

If you can help our clients to reach their business objectives, by delivering more (however that is defined), then we know ERA and its clients will be able to help you achieve your business objectives.

We take a long-term view of the market. Although we act as an extension to our clients’ own purchasing teams, and are charged with obtaining best value from suppliers, we understand that those suppliers also need to be profitable. Real value can be brought to our mutual clients if we can encourage and facilitate innovation and alternative solutions to the client’s current buying needs.

You are the key to this for us.


Our fees are paid by our clients.

ERA Group is totally objective and independent of suppliers and this is the key to the success of our service.

We have a strict policy of taking no form of hidden payment from any supplier, so you can be confident that every assignment is transparent and handled impartially, honestly and openly. In the event that structured rebate schemes or third party commissions enable better pricing for our client, then ERA may take advantage of these, but only after full disclosure and discussion with our client.

Supplier Relationship Guide

Our Supplier Relationship Guide is designed to help our suppliers understand how the ERA process works within the context of the supplier-client relationship and to understand our Code of Practice.

This guide will help you work effectively within our process to retain or win more business.

Download our supplier relationship guide

Please contact us on:

01732 525 852

Our Address:

ERA Group
Suite 24
40 Churchill Square
Kings Hill
West Malling
ME19 4YU